2024 West Kootenay crew ends seasonAs August draws to an end, so does the season for the West Kootenay YCCBC team.
Project Highlight Fix It Fair With Kimberley/Cranbrook Youth Climate Corps, WildsightHave you heard about Fix It Fair held by the Kimberley/Cranbrook Youth Climate Corps crew? Ripped pants, flat bike tires, a vacuum...
Project Highlight in Kimberley-Cranbrook, Construction of A Wetland The Kimberley/Cranbrook crew has been working on the Nature Trust BC Big Ranch property, assisting with a wetland build. The construction...
Interview With Tim Chapman, Kimberley/Cranbrook Youth Climate Corps CoordinatorThis year, the significant difference was the completely different generation of hired youth, a decade younger than last year's crew...
Chainsaw Training to WorkWildfire Risk Reduction and Sheep Habitat Enhancement project on the Nature Trust BC’s Armstrong and Grasslands properties. The...
Core Motivations of Youth Climate CorpsFor the people that don't know much about Youth Climate Corps (YCC), YCC provides young people with opportunities to make a difference in...
Congrats to Youth Climate Corps 2022 crew of Kimberley - Cranbrook!The team completed their S100 and Chainsaw Safety training last week. YCC team is now ready to tackle this season's Ecosystem Restoration...