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Youth Climate Corps British Columbia (YCCBC) is a climate action campaign and program that builds on youth leadership to foster climate resilience and a livable, low-carbon future while paying young people a living wage. 


To face today's most imminent menace: the climate crisis, YCCBC invites the youth of British Columbia to mobilize. YCCBC is the starting movement in Canada and could be the transformative new public program because we are in climate emergency mode. 


Youth Climate Corps BC strives to envision and realize a fair, just, and livable future for everyone. 

The National Youth Climate Corps Campaign

Youth Climate Corps BC serves BC and is running projects in Kamloops, Vancouver and North Vancouver Island. We are committed to providing communities and youth with opportunities for tangible climate action. Youth Climate Corps BC is grounded in the realities of climate science. We need scalable climate action involving young people who will most be affected by the climate crisis throughout their lifetime. To make this a reality, we need all levels of government to support this impactful program that would signal a transition to a more just, fair, abundant and sustainable future.


We are partnering with the Climate Emergency Unit to campaign for a public program that can allow everyone under 35 across the country to earn a living wage while tackling the climate crisis. To get involved in the campaign for a national Youth Climate Corps and an Alberta Youth Climate Corps, please get in touch with the Climate Emergency Unit.


We envision hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs across Canada, building community resilience and the infrastructure and programs required to tackle the climate emergency.


Youth Climate Corps BC is asking for your support to make this a Provincial program available across BC. To help make this a sustainable, accessible and transformative program for future generations, please contact your local MLA and ask for a BC wide Youth Climate Corps!


Youth Climate Corps BC is proof that it works. Download the policy brief for the national campaign here.

Wildsight Operating Youth Climate Corps

Youth Climate Corps started in 2020 as a program of Wildsight, a grassroots organization dedicated to protecting biodiversity and encouraging sustainable communities in Canada's Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions. The inaugural program was based in Nelson, BC, with fourteen youth crew members working for four months on a variety of climate projects in the surrounding West Kootenay region.


Wildsight operates the Youth Climate Corps in BC's Columbia Basin and is working to grow the West Kootenay and Kimberley/Cranbrook crews while expanding to new communities in the region. For more information, please get in touch with Wildsight.


Building A Youth Climate Corps 

Climate justice is everything. Lifting up the voices of those who most acutely feel the impacts of climate change will be the only way to effectively meet the challenge of addressing the climate emergency.

Read more about how a climate justice lens informs the core of our work.

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